Hey guys!
Sorry for being a bit more in-active this year, but I can assure you as always - it's been quite the oppisite :P
Worked on a few different projects so far the past year, from kids shows to battle frogs- to probably the most excitting; TTG!
I'm still drawing almost everyday and thinking about my own shorts in between hours. A have a few small drawn shorts I wanna make, as well as even a couple more sprite videos!
The best way to keep updated with my stuff, is now on facebook or tumblr . I'm also brand new to tumblr, so please give me a follow! http://kingdavidmoore.tumblr.com/

So yeah that's about it. Im gonna try to have atleast a few new flicks on my movies page this year, so keep your eyes peeled! I am still actively submitting to the art portal too, so keep your tabs lookn' there too! Thanks Guys!
Glad to see you've been finding plenty of work. I can tell you had fun animating Teen Titans Go. As much as i am not a fan of the show your clearly having fun animating it at the very least.